I Still Shoot Film

Film camera era may have passed and replaced with the digital generation cameras but, yes .. I still shoot film. Probably my main reason was to learn the basic of photography: focusing, exposure, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO sensitivity. The second reason is because I have a 35mm film camera from my late father: a FujicaMPF-105X.

Basically there is no functional difference between digital cameras and film cameras. The most fundamental difference is that if a digital camera uses digital data storage media called memory card to store the images, film camera uses a sheet of plastic (polyesterPETnitrocellulose or cellulose acetate) film as a medium.

Here is some examples, not the best perhaps. In this case I used a 35mm film of Lucky SHD 100 (pushed to 200).

Camera model: Fujica MPF-105x
Lens: X-Fujinon 55mm f/2.2
Film: 35mm Lucky SHD 100

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