More D.I.Y. Danbo

It is a simple, cheap and funniest Danbo you can made. Download the pattern here and start making your own. You just need paper, scissor, cutter knife, and glue. Any paper will do, off course thicker paper will be better.

I printed this D.I.Y. Danbo on a 70 gsm white A4 paper with a color printer. Later on I realized that 70 gsm paper is not stiff enough so I glued the paper on a thicker carton paper. After that I start to cut, fold, and glue and 5 minutes later a cute D.I.Y. Danbo is ready for action.

Be creative with your D.I.Y. Danbo. Make him walk, jump, fall, do nothing, or anything. More Danbo pictures can be found on my previous post or my Picasa Web Album.

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