Sunrise at Sikunir

Sikunir is the name of a hill, one of the many hills and mountains surrounding the Dieng Plateau, located in the Sembungan village, Wonosobo. This hill is located in south of Lake Cebongan (tadpole) and has a height around 2300 meters above sea level. The perfect place for the sunrise moment.

Cebongan Lake

From Dieng to Sikunir is as far as 8 kilometres. It can be reached by motorbike, car, or even a mini bus. But when driving a car, be very careful because in the last 1 kilometer the road is narrow, winding, and unpaved. If unfortunately a car (or a mini bus!) passed from the opposite direction, one of you should stop or even reverse.

Hiking trail starts from the parking area at the hillfoot on the edge of Cebongan Lake, about 900 meters uphill. Throughout the first 500 meters, I was half-run climb up the hill (with both film and digital camera in my hand!) because I don’t want to miss the sunrise moment. Foolish indeed. As the result, 200 meters before the hilltop I was completely lying on the ground and exhausted. Fortunately, from this place, I could still get the beautiful moments of sunrise using my Nikon F2, although not perfect.

After feeling better, I continued my journey. I had some pictures taken at the top of Sikunir. It may not be pictures of the sunrise moment but I still like it considering my struggle to reach the top Sikunir. It was a very beautiful scenery!

Mount Sindoro, view from Sikunir

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6 responses to “Sunrise at Sikunir”

  1. Pankaj Jyoti Barua says :

    Spectacular shots….The first one and third one are simply amazing….Love the composition…

  2. mbandah says :

    keren fotonya.. ajarin motreettt pakkk.. 😀

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