Tag Archive | People

Wife, Mother, Grand Mother

A wife to Soetjipto Soemartohadi (†1995), a mother of 4 daughters and 1 son, a grandmother to 10 grandchildren. Officially 93 years old when this picture is taken. Happy birthday grand ma! We love you!

Djoni Santoso

Long hair and shaggy beard, yes he is one of the legend of photographer community in Semarang: Djoni Santoso. Also known as “The Shaman of Camera”. Live in Karang Wulan Sari, Kampung Kali area. Read More…

Cosplay with Kei

Photo session with Kei Read More…

Richie Moreno Rafael

Richie Moreno Rafael, was born on April 8th 2011. This picture were taken during his very first month. Read More…